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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique)

Is a method that allows a person to access into a part of the mind that has all the answers of life and connects individual to Higher-Self that can provide healing while in a somnambulistic state. This technique was developed by Dolores Cannon for over 45 years of experience and over 20 books written obtaining a vast knowledge with amazing results.

This part of the mind (Dolores Cannon called it “Subconscious” or “Higher Self”) helps to remove any blocks or release any emotional trauma or negative situation that individual had experienced through any stage of life (childhood, teenager or as adult) and even into past lives learning the positive way in a different perspective, and helps individual to set in the right pathway.

The explanation of Subconscious

provides why we experience disease will most certainly challenge the belief systems of many people in our current medical and scientific paradigms. As we move through this time of great change and transition, many people are indeed stretching their belief systems to incorporate new ideas and concepts by seeking out alternative information that mainstream science has either dispelled or ignored.

The Subconscious has the ability to identify any physical problem it detects within the body to a QHHT® Practitioner and explain the causes for its presence, be it from the current life or a past life. The Subconscious is then asked if it is suitable for healing to occur, which, if it is; is done instantaneously with no medication, surgery or pain involved.


Very often, simply understanding why a disease is present or why a particular emotion is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed by the Subconscious. Moreover; the Subconscious will provide specifically emotionally and food advice for individual to follow.

Before detailing this list of what is possible in terms of healing, it must be stated that healing can only occur if an individual wants to be healed and if it does not interfere with the goals of their lifetime. We are infinite souls who have incarnated on Earth for our own individual experiences. The Subconscious of a blind person would not heal his sight if being blind was one of the key aspects of his life he agreed to experience. Nor would it heal a physical problem someone had created through the lack of care for their body if they had not yet learned the lesson to love and respect their body. It is very literal in its thinking. Are you beginning to understand the logic?


There are no guarantees, but these are some of the remarkable results Dolores and her QHHT® Practitioners alike have experienced during sessions.


• Cancer of all types at various stages being cured

• Cartilage being reconstructed between joints

• AIDS being cured and eradicated from the body

• Heart conditions being healed, afterwards surgery is no longer required

• Deteriorated livers being regenerated and restored to full function

• Damaged kidneys being regenerated and restored to full function

• Open flesh wounds being regenerated with no scarring

• Migraines being explained and their root causes removed

• 20/20 vision being restored where people no longer need corrective vision

• Diabetes being cured and the causes for it explained

• Intestinal problems being cured

• Lower and middle back problems being cured

• Neck and shoulder pains being removed

• Lung associated problems being cured

• Skin problems

"Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own imagination".


(Some parts were taken from website)


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The Higher Self  helps to reconnect to your life’s purpose with detail advice and wisdom guidance.


One can obtain all the answers from questions of life situations, conflicts or events, vivid dreams, pets, events and more .         (from present and past lives)

Happy Woman

One understands the CAUSE from illness, discomfort or symptoms, physically or emotionally 

Family Walking On the Beach

You´ll understand that everything that you ever experienced as a process providing you with a higher consciousness  of life, as you had never expected or thought about it. And guiding you towards your life purpose or mission. 


Inner conflicts that had been as a mind patterns or programs and unconscious limitations are displaced for flowing inner peace.


Higher Self could provides instantaneous healing on any area physically, mentally or emotionally.

Otherwise can provide specific guide recommendations to follow up in order to achieve integral healing and learn to keep up health.


List of recommendations :



Learn to meditate if you don’t know how I will suggest or provide a free recording guide so you will learn on your own how to meditate.



Allow yourself to enjoy whether the first or last 7, 14 and 21 minutes of dusk or dawn looking directly to Sun beginning a first week with only 7 minutes and increasing minutes as second week and so on. At least 3 times a week.

Lying in the Grass


Spending time on nature on a park, forest, beach, garden or backyard having contact with soil, grass or sand. At least 3 times a week.

All of the above will increase your sensibility and frequency. In addition, we suggest lowering to minimum or avoiding any alcohol, recreational drug, caffeine, tobacco, red meats, sodas, energy drinks and junk food are lower frequency.


Day of Session

The therapy is personal and it consist of an unlimited time interview 3-5 hours average time in a non judgement environment where trust bond is created (this is veryimportant ) and client story is taken as considered information to expand questions and find the right answers during QHHT session. 

Client have to bring two sets of list:

  • First List: Individual will get a list of any kind of questions of anything you can think of or couldn’t understand through your own personal life such as: life situations, accidents, relationships, professional carrier, projects etc...

  • A second list is naming your current physical state and previous health history.

  • Session can be record on your cell phone or get a 32 USB memory card for download. 

  • Hypnosis Induction can be done right after interview or days later upon agreement .

  • Induction average 2 hours and some cases more.

For questions, appointment or more information and prices e-mail us.


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